Video submission

  1. Make sure that your videos are within 8-10 minutes range and that the quality of the recording and audio is clear.
  2. The video format is MP4 (1920 x 1080p)
  3. The organisers will not provide any video editing services.
  4. Upload your video on your Google Drive and make it shareable to everyone. Copy the video link and email it to:
  5. The video submitted must be conducted substantially by the submitter.
  6. Presenter’s name, picture and affiliation must be in the beginning of the video
  7. The video submitter should take full responsibility to ensure that they have full ownership of copyright to the content that is uploaded.
  8. All successful submitters agree that their videos will be showcased during IPAG
  9. The video will become the permanent property of FMSP, UPSI and maybe downloaded, copied, searched and distributed provided the submitter is properly acknowledged and cited.
  10. Please note that in the event of any issues arising from the videos including legal issues, the submitter is solely responsible.
  11. Presentation video must be in english
  12. Video presentation on:
    – Abstract
    – Research background/overview/Introduction
    – Problem Statement
    – Research Question
    – Research Objectives 
    – Methodology
    – Discussion 
    – Conclusion 
    – Reference